Travel Nurse Stories

Meet Our Aya Travelers

Meet Robin: Your New Favorite Tattooed Travel Mom

They say, “It’s not where you go, it’s the people you meet that matter.” Or maybe they don’t say that, but they should. During her three years as an Aya travel nurse, Robin’s found people to love everywhere she goes. “I’ve met friends who’ve turned into family,” she says. She… Read More

Meet Mike: Always on a mountain and on the move

The tranquil shores of Martha’s Vineyard are not the setting you’d expect for an epic battle, but that’s where Aya travel nurse Mike recently won the day. Despite the fact that “tuna fight to the death,” as Mike says, he was victorious, reeling in a 9-pounder. A perk of living… Read More

Meet Kevin: He’s taking the plunge…literally!

“I decided to take the plunge” is a phrase you often hear when people describe embarking on a travel nursing journey. While that is figuratively true for many, Aya travel nurse Kevin can say that literally. In just over a year and a half, not only has he booked assignments… Read More

Meet Glen and Riesa: They’re Non-Traditional, Never Nonplussed

What do fires in Northern California, Hurricane Irma in Houston and flooding in Sacramento all have in common? Aya travel nurses Glen and Riesa were there to care for their ICU patients through them all. And that’s really no surprise if you get to know this incredible couple. Glen and… Read More

Meet Christine: Headed Where She’s Needed Most…4 Kids in Tow

When you think of the typical travel nurse, a mother of four school-aged children isn’t the first person that comes to mind. But between shuffling kids to fishing, gymnastics, cheer and softball practice, Aya travel nurse Christina has also somehow managed to help deliver thousands of babies over the last… Read More