Travel Nurse Stories

Meet Our Aya Travelers

Meet Tiffani: She’s an RRT working in the trenches of a COVID unit

It takes an army to fight this pandemic and respiratory therapists like Tiffani are an important part of that army – monitoring and managing the ventilators of COVID-19 patients in the ICU. Tiffani’s first travel assignment looks a little different than she imagined — but she’s thriving in the chaos… Read More

Lifetime Wisconsinite Seeks New (Warmer and Sunnier) Horizons

Can you imagine meeting the love of your life before you could walk, finally dating in college, eventually getting married and ultimately traveling the country together? It sounds like the plot of a romcom, but it’s real life for Aya Healthcare travel nurse Jacob. He and his wife MiKall grew… Read More

Survivor Paying it Forward

Depicting scenes from St. Louis to Lake Havasu and everywhere in between, the colorful magnets that brighten up Jill’s refrigerator tell the story of her life as a travel nurse.  And these aren’t the only souvenirs she has gathered on her travels.  Some are tangible, like the art pieces she collects on each assignment,… Read More

“Adopted Southerner” and Route 66 Expert

What you do you learn after you’ve road-tripped across the country seven times? A lot as it turns out. Eating a 64 ounce steak in Amarillo, Texas is an impossible feat, Vicksburg, Mississippi is home to “a really fun casino” and most importantly, as Aya Healthcare travel nurse Tracy’s husband Jake explains, if you… Read More