Travel Nurse Stories

Meet Our Aya Travelers

Meet Megan and Kayla: They’re traveling … While Traveling

“I love your accent!” is the first thing Megan’s recruiter, Meredith, said to her over the phone. As a travel PICU/CVPICU RN from Louisiana who ventured out with her friend and fellow nurse, Kayla, last year, Megan hears that a lot. It’s one of the perks of seeing new places… Read More

Meet Glen and Riesa: They’re Non-Traditional, Never Nonplussed

What do fires in Northern California, Hurricane Irma in Houston and flooding in Sacramento all have in common? Aya travel nurses Glen and Riesa were there to care for their ICU patients through them all. And that’s really no surprise if you get to know this incredible couple. Glen and… Read More

The Road Between Hikes is Paved With Adventure

Driving to work is not high on most people’s list of exciting adventures. But when the route includes a hike through the Grand Canyon, the neon lights of the Vegas strip and breathtaking views of Lake Tahoe, it’s not your average commute. There is nothing Aya travel nurse Rachel loves… Read More

Living (and saving!) lives on the edge…

Imagine if coolly dangling from the side of a cliff while providing lifesaving treatment to a climber in need was just another day on the job. Well, that’s the reality for Aya travel nurses Bryan and Deb. These two adventure junkies fell in love at 19,000 feet and have only… Read More

“Open Road Mountain Chick”

Today is the holiest of days for ER Travel Nurse Morgan… the opening day of ski season. She spent last winter on the “awesome” slopes of Taos, New Mexico but is looking to explore new spots this year. With nearly everything she owns selling like hotcakes on Craigslist and eBay… Read More

South Carolina to Southern California

Stretching out over the vast blue-green of the Pacific Ocean, the Santa Monica Pier boasts a festive, nostalgic atmosphere. Aya travel nurse Paris currently lives just a few miles away in posh Marina Del Rey, CA. When her boyfriend came out to visit from their native South Carolina, Paris said it was time to… Read More

Survivor, Explorer, Nurse

Everyone knows nurses are tough. Not many people are asked to deal with life and death on a daily basis while remaining cool under pressure. It is not a job for the faint of heart, and Hannah is a nurse of even greater than usual tenacity. Last year her determined… Read More