
A collection of kudos, shoutouts and celebrations of our travel clinicians' (many) accomplishments.

Aya RN, Siobhan’s, skills are in demand

RN, Siobhan, received a shout out from her facility manager recognizing her for her proficiency on the job and for being a valued member of the team.

The manager wrote, “Siobhan is a travel nurse that has been frequently assigned to Neuro Critical Care. Siobhan demonstrates expertise in our specialty and is a great team player!! If we’re permitted to have additional travelers booked for our unit . . . we would HIGHLY recommend Siobhan!”

Keep up the great work, Siobhan. Your facility is lucky to have you!


Aya traveler, Lauren, receives positive feedback

Lauren received positive feedback from her facility manager after a patient gave her a shoutout for her excellent care. The patient wrote, “Lauren was superb! She was the best nurse I had. Very personable and helpful. I could tell she truly cared!”

Lauren, your hard work is getting some well-deserved recognition. Great job!


Aya RN, Brittany, receives a DAISY Award nomination!

A patient nominated Brittany for a DAISY Award for her optimism and the positive impact she made during the patient’s hospital stay.

The patient wrote, “Brittany was my nurse after having anterior back surgery. She was so kind and patient. She went above and beyond taking care of all my needs and always had a smile on her face. I shared a room with a challenging person, and Brittany stayed SO positive. She’s a great asset to the facility!”

Congratulations on this well-deserved nomination, Brittany. We admire your positivity and we’re so lucky to have you on our team!


RN, Jennifer, takes action at the scene of a car accident

Travel nurse, Jennifer, stepped into action when she came across the scene of a car accident. She braved the dangers of the accident and attended to the passenger trapped in the car, addressing the passenger’s serious injuries until the fire and ambulance crews arrived. She then remained at the scene ready to help in any way she could.

Afterward, Jennifer received recognition from the Lieutenant Medical Supervisor, who applauded her for her bravery and was impressed by her ability to work so professionally with his team.

Jennifer, your bravery and quick action to help in a dangerous situation truly go beyond the call of duty. We’re so impressed and proud to have a nurse like you on our team!



Aya traveler, Veronica, impresses her facility manager

RN, Veronica, received positive feedback from her facility manager for her impressive attention to detail.

The manager wrote, “A very special kudos to Veronica, who promptly noted a neuro change in a patient that quickly led to getting them to IR. I was very impressed with this catch coming from a new nurse to our unit…While settling in the patient, Veronica noted a right facial droop that prompted an additional exam, where she found the patient to be mute with a new right arm drift. Needless to say, she called quickly, and we imaged the patient and got her to IR in the middle of the night. Very good save on Veronica’s part!”

Veronica, your quick action made all the difference for this patient. We’re so proud!


Aya nurse, Robin’s, coworker submits a note of recognition

RN, Robin’s, coworker submitted a “Reason for Recognition” note showing appreciation for her willingness to support their team.

It said, “Robin helped me in many ways that I appreciate so much. When she had downtime she went and stocked rooms, and when I was in a bind checking in patients, she graciously offered to help another nurse check in a patient in isolation. Then when she was asked if she felt comfortable spending some of her shift in another unit, she was so enthusiastic about helping out the other unit and floating for a bit. While Robin may think that’s minor, it made a HUGE difference. I’m lucky to have the opportunity to meet Robin and work with her! You’re a great nurse!”

Robin, your flexibility and positive attitude make you a model nurse. We’re so proud to have you on the Aya team!



Aya RN, Megan’s, patients acknowledge her hard work

Travel nurse, Megan’s, facility sent feedback including recognition from two patients for her exceptional care.

One patient said, “Megan was absolutely incredible! She was so kind and cared for us SO well.”

The other patient wrote, “Most nurses did an excellent job during my stay, but I had a spectacular experience in the hands of Megan. She has excellent bedside manners and very high confidence in her skills. She gave me the best experience and went beyond her job duties.”

Megan, we’re impressed by the impact you have on your patients. Keep up the excellent work!


Aya traveler, Eric, recognized by his manager for going above and beyond

RRT, Eric, was recognized by his clinical manager for his dedication while assisting his team.

The manager said, “I would like to give a shout-out to Eric for his work yesterday in our unit. He worked hard to overcome barriers to mobilizing an intubated delirious patient around the unit. Everyone clapped as we celebrated an intubated patient making a full lap around the unit”.

In addition, Eric’s recruiter added, “Eric has had nothing but praise since he started working at the facility and is amazing to work with! Always incredibly communicative.”

Eric, your determination in the face of obstacles is inspiring. Your team is lucky to have you!


RN, Lauren, receives a complimentary email from her manager!

Aya traveler, Lauren, received an email of gratitude from her manager thanking her for her hard work and the impact she’s had on her team.

The manager wrote, “I received KUDOS from a nurse you worked with who described you as a real MVP for helping her with a chaotic morning. She was immensely grateful for your assistance with getting her patient’s MRI screening form complete, among other things! Thanks for all you do and for helping us here! You’re appreciated!”

Lauren, congrats on your well-deserved recognition. Keep up the amazing work, MVP!
