
A collection of kudos, shoutouts and celebrations of our travel clinicians' (many) accomplishments.

Outstanding patient care earns RN, Megan, a DAISY Award nomination!

Aya RN, Megan, was nominated for a DAISY Award by her patient’s wife after she went above and beyond to advocate for her husband. Read the nomination below:

“My husband has been in the hospital going on nine days. Since his hospitalization has been over Thanksgiving, he has been waiting for procedures. Megan has been so kind. She has been trying over and over again to help him by calling different services to make things happen. She’s kind and has also worked hard to update my husband’s history. Her tireless devotion has singled her out among many wonderful nurses.”

Megan, you’re a stand-out nurse and it shows! Congratulations on your nomination.


Kristina is nominated for a DAISY Award!

RN, Kristina, was nominated for a DAISY Award by a charge nurse at her facility for her perseverance and compassion while handling a very delicate situation.

The charge nurse wrote, “Kristina shows compassion, critical thinking and what it means to be a nurse. Kristina had a patient that was close to end-of-life care but the facility had trouble getting the family to make a decision. Kristina acted quickly and with grace when this patient went unresponsive. Unfortunately, this patient passed away, but I would like to nominate Kristina for this award for her response to the patient’s passing and also for aiding the family. It took multiple calls to get the family on the phone to inform them, and I had never heard a nurse talk so patiently and so empathetic when discussing a patient passing with a family. Kristina demonstrates what it is to be a nurse and never falls short when things get hard. Kristina is very deserving of this award.”

Congratulations, Kristina, this nomination is well deserved!


High praise for RN, Jackeline

Aya traveler, Jackeline, was recognized for her exceptional care when her director gave her a shout out, saying, “Jackeline is exceptional, and always makes our patients extremely happy. She creates a really nice and fresh environment to work in. The team and the patients are happy to have her here.”

In addition, Jackeline’s recruiter shared, “Jackeline is a very hard worker and very passionate about her patients and her job. She’s a joy to work with!”

Keep up the great work, Jackeline — it hasn’t gone unnoticed!


Aya traveler, Karen, gets a DAISY Award nomination!

RN, Karen, was nominated for a DAISY Award after she made a huge impact on a patient during their visit to the ER. When the patient received difficult news, Karen was there to offer support. Read the patients sweet nomination below:

“While I was a patient in the ER I had a nurse who provided me with care above any standard I would expect. Karen was my nurse when I came into the hospital with fear of the unknown. I was 11 weeks pregnant after years of trying and when she walked into my room, she not only made me comfortable, but she also calmed me down by showing me I could trust her. After my ultrasound, the doctor came in and told me the news of my miscarriage. During the worst time of my life, Karen was there. She asked if I wanted her to stay because no visitors were allowed. I agreed. She didn’t talk, she just sat there and let me cry and grieve. She took the time to sit with me and hold my hand to comfort me. This nurse made a huge impact on my life and I want her to know that. Thank you for all that you do. Being present makes a huge difference in someone’s care.”

Karen, the empathy and compassion you show make all the difference for your patients. Thank you for demonstrating what it means to be an exceptional nurse!


Aya RN, Brandon, gets nominated for a DAISY Award!

Travel nurse, Brandon, was nominated for a DAISY Award by one of his coworkers for being a true healthcare hero. Brandon’s quick thinking and readiness to jump into action saved a patient’s life — and the patient wasn’t even assigned to him!

Brandon’s coworker wrote, “Brandon and I were working a night shift on the medical-surgical unit, with all of us nurses having full 5-6 patient assignments. It was around 4 a.m. when we heard a ‘Code Blue’ announcement over the loudspeaker for the PCU unit that’s located just across the hall. I saw that nobody from their unit had made it to the room that called the code, so I look at Brandon and we start running over to the room to assist. Once Brandon entered the room, he saw that nobody had initiated compressions yet and he exclaimed, ‘What’s this patient’s code status and situation?!”‘Once Full Code was clear, Brandon had no hesitation in starting high-quality CPR on this patient, which I think ultimately saved that patient. Shortly after the code was resolved we were informed that the patient had LIVED! and was transferred to the ICU. Seconds count in a situation like that, there can be NO time for delay or hesitation in starting CPR, and Brandon clearly understood that. This is one of the many reasons why Brandon’s so deserving of The DAISY Award. I’m very proud of my new friend and I look forward to working with him as well as my other Aya Healthcare teammates that extended contracts at this facility”.

In addition to his nomination, Brandon also received a compliment from his nurse manager, who said, “Brandon is fantastic and was one of our favorite travelers that night.”

Brandon, you’re a true hero and we’re so proud to have nurses like you on our team. Congratulations on your nomination!



Traveler, Gina, receives sweet thank you cards

RN, Gina, received thank you notes from two of her patients and a coworker who wanted to let her know they appreciated all she had done for them.

One patient wrote, “Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me. You’re one wonderful lady! Your love for what you do and especially your love for people shines through you so brightly it’s impossible to miss. What a blessing and a gift you are! Again, thank you for everything you do and especially for who you are!”

Another patient wrote, “There will never be enough words to express our gratitude and thankfulness for all you’ve done for us. God always puts the right people in the right place! You truly represent all that’s good in the world. God bless you!”

Finally, her coworker wrote, “I’m so thankful for you. I know we all come from different walks in our life, but somehow we’ve all joined together for a common cause to be there for each other during this time and to encourage and listen to each other. I appreciate you. You’re the best and I wish I could truly put into words how I feel about you. I could go on and on but will end this here. Thank you!”

Gina, your patients are grateful for you — and so are we! Thank you for all you do!


RN, Melanie, is a DAISY Award nominee!

Aya traveler, Melanie, was nominated for a DAISY Award by her coworker for being a positive light to her patients and role model for her co-workers. Read the heartfelt nomination below:

This nurse always goes above and beyond for all patients and co-workers. During my time working alongside her, I’ve witnessed her make homemade herbal tea for a patient hospitalized with COVID while visiting the USA from his home in Africa. After going to the store, buying very specific ingredients and making him tea all week, she brought two large containers to last him while she was off work for a couple of days. She did this type of special treatment for every single patient! She worked with COVID patients every day, for six months, and never complain. And trust me, as a travel nurse working on lots of COVID jobs, that’s a feat in itself!

It’s hard for patients to stay isolated in the hospital during their COVID illness, but Melanie would always find a way to connect with every patient in the unit (not just her assigned patients) and would make them feel a sense of warmth and happiness during a very difficult and lonely time.

She was also a gift to the staff. She was the first one to offer to help and volunteer to do tasks others may not want to do. Her constant positive attitude made working in COVID land a fun and enjoyable shift. Not only would Melanie make dreary COVID assignments lively, but she was also a positive role model to other travelers.

Congratulations on this well-deserved nomination, Melanie. We’re awed by the incredible work you do!


RN, Eunice, is nominated for a DAISY Award!

Aya traveler, Eunice, was nominated for a DAISY Award by her late patient’s wife, who was touched by the care Eunice provided to her husband before he passed. Read the heartfelt nomination below:

The night after the surgery to place a feeding tube, my husband woke up in the middle of the night and began throwing up blood. He described the situation as extremely scary and he told me that he thought he was going to die. He started to have what he described as a panic attack, and he said Eunice came in and helped him and got him calmed down. He said he remembers her holding his hand and telling him everything was going to be ok. He said she stayed with him for a while and continually checked on him throughout the night. When I walked into his room the next morning, he told me what had happened and he still looked scared as ever! He raved about her and told everyone how much she helped him through that experience and that he wouldn’t have been able to get through without her help. Prior to this incident, I got to see firsthand how Eunice performed and the kindness she showed while caring for and checking on my husband. Please grant Eunice this award, to honor the extraordinary kindness and compassion she has for her patients. Thank you for your service, Eunice!”

Congratulations on your well-deserved nomination, Eunice!


Aya traveler, Oscar, impresses his facility manager

RN, Oscar, was recognized by his facility manager after he went out of his way to make a patient feel special on their birthday. The manager wrote, “I just wanted to say how great it’s been having Oscar with us. He’s very solid in his clinical skills. He consistently goes out of his way to help other staff.  He always checks in with his pod mates. Today he went above and beyond for one of our patients. The patient had a birthday and Oscar got him a card and a cake for his birthday. It was very special. Please let him know the facility is very happy to have him on board. 

Oscar’s recruiter also shared, “Oscar’s truly one of the most caring individuals I have ever worked with! He’s consistently going above and beyond and is loved by everyone. His positive attitude puts a smile on everyone’s face. I love working with him and can’t wait to see what the future holds for him!”

Oscar, thank you for your attentive care and dedication to your work. We’re so impressed!
