
A collection of kudos, shoutouts and celebrations of our travel clinicians' (many) accomplishments.

Dennis receives a DAISY Award

Dennis received a DAISY Award! He received many DAISY Award nominations for his impact on patients and staff alike.

One patient shared, “Dennis greeted me as soon as I arrived. He helped me transfer to my bed and ensured everything was set up properly. He warmly and joyfully introduced himself and made me feel relaxed after my injury and surgery prep. He reviewed my care plan and answered my concerns. For anyone who has stayed at a hospital and felt humiliated during a restroom visit, that was not the case with Dennis. He made the situation feel normal and even a little humorous. He didn’t stop there; he took it to another level, getting me a warm washcloth and making me feel clean and refreshed. My family members spent a lot of time with me, and I often mentioned things I wanted or needed, but before they could get anything for me, Dennis would come in with whatever I needed. I wondered if it was just me he treated this way, but oh, no. My family said they noticed he was this way with all his patients. When we asked him questions, he never said, ‘I don’t know.’ Instead, he said, ‘Let me find out and get back to you.” And he did. Every single time. He would straighten things up whenever I was out of bed, which always meant a lot, and whenever he walked by a room he would pop his head in and ask in a cheerful voice if there was anything he could do. You could feel his compassion for his patients and dedication to his profession.”

One of Dennis’ team members added, “Dennis received multiple DAISY Award nominations every month. He truly made a difference at this facility and in the lives of his patients.”

Congratulations on the well-deserved award, Dennis! Your quality care and dedication to your profession make a difference for your patients and team members.


Rebecca is praised by a grateful colleague

A colleague praised Rebecca for her outstanding teamwork and willingness to educate her team.

The colleague wrote, “I want to express my sincere gratitude for the exceptional support we received from Rebecca. She went above and beyond by generously teaching us how to use the Bair Hugger. Her expertise and willingness to share her knowledge significantly impacted our team’s understanding and proficiency with this equipment, especially for our resident nurses in their first year of practice. Rebecca’s dedication to ensuring our team’s success is truly commendable, and we are fortunate to have such a skilled and collaborative member in our department. We greatly appreciate the culture of excellence and teamwork Rebecca fosters in the operating room.”

Your team appreciates you, Rebecca, and so do we! Keep up the great work!


Danielle receives a Mercy Touch Award

Danielle received the Mercy Touch Award for her exceptional patient care!

One of Danielle’s patients shared, “Danielle is incredible. During my stay, I broke down and cried to her about losing my partner. We talked about our experiences and connected on another level. After talking, she made sure I knew she would always be there if I needed to talk. For the rest of my stay, Danielle popped into my room to check on me and ask how I was doing or if I needed anything (even if I had not pushed the call button). Whether it was a coffee, Jello or just someone to chat with, she always had a big smile on her face. My stay was difficult because no one had come to see me due to work and my partner’s passing, but Danielle made my days better and truly made a difference in my life. I feel like I made a friend in Danielle, and I could not be more grateful for everything she has done.”

Congratulations, Danielle! Your team is so proud of you. Keep up the great work!


Pete receives two DAISY Award nominations

Pete received not one, but two glowing DAISY Award nominations.

A patient’s son wrote, “I want to express my gratitude for the outstanding care Pete gave my mother. Every interaction was professional, timely and courteous. Pete consistently gave excellent, efficient care and was willing to explain my mother’s condition and care. He was extremely empathetic and gave straightforward answers. Even though confused and in pain, my 99-year-old mother spoke well of Pete’s care. I would have been proud to have Pete on my team when I was working! You’ve got a good one.”

The patient added, “Pete is the consummate professional. He was as efficient as a machine, listened to me and had compassion. He was always willing to explain why a painful procedure needed to happen, even if the patient forgot every time. He embodies respect. He always spoke to me like I was intelligent.”

Congratulations on the nominations, Pete! Your quality care makes a difference for your patients and their families. Keep it up!


Paul and Lora are praised by facility management

Paul and Lora received incredible feedback from their facility manager.

The facility manager said, “Paul and Lora recently took on the challenge of learning our nuclear medicine stress test nursing role. I appreciate them taking on that task, and I truly appreciate their efforts. I am so impressed with Paul and Lora. They are wonderful, and I’ve told them I want them to quit traveling and move to Indianapolis permanently!”

Paul and Lora, your team appreciates you. Keep up the good work!


Jasmine receives major praise from a facility leader

An assistant chief nursing officer called Jasmine a hero for assisting in an emergency.

The assistant chief nursing officer said, “This morning on my regular bus route, a man on the bus yelled out, collapsed and began seizing. Jasmine stepped in to stabilize him until medics arrived. This happened on her first day at our facility as she headed to orientation! She and another nurse worked together to provide a safe environment for this man, provide reassurance and keep him stable until the medics arrived. Jasmine embodies and exemplifies what it means to be a nurse. She lives out and embodies the mission of our hospital within our walls and also in the community.”

Not all heroes wear capes, and you’re a perfect example of that, Jasmine! The Aya team is proud of you!



Chase receives a DAISY Award nomination

A patient’s family member nominated Chase for a DAISY Award.

The family member wrote, “My father arrived in extremely critical condition after having a massive heart attack. Chase was so attentive, kind, caring and on the ball and so quick to help us with any requests or questions we had. It was a difficult time for our family, with my dad’s prognosis still undetermined. Chase laughed with us, felt our emotions with us and put up with my dad’s goofy, typical shenanigans we knew to expect once he finally started improving. I truly believe Chase’s dedication to going above and beyond made all the difference in my dad’s ongoing recovery. And most importantly, it gave us hope when we needed it the most. The care we received was phenomenal, and we are so grateful.”

Chase, your patients and their families appreciate your care. Congratulations on the DAISY Award nomination!


Giancarlos is praised by the Dept. of Public Safety

The Department of Public Safety praised Giancarlos for taking the time to lend his language skills.

A department representative explained, “While trying to identify two unknown visitors, we realized one did not speak English. There was not a translator available, but a staff member told me Giancarlos was fluent in Spanish. He was eager to assist us and took time out of his day to help us identify the visitor and gather crucial information. This helped us immensely, and I would like to thank him on behalf of the Department of Public Safety. His positive attitude and willingness to assist his team are a true reflection of his character.”

Unit leadership also said, “Giancarlos has been a wonderful asset to our team. We appreciate his willingness to always help and do the right thing!”

Congratulations, Giancarlos! Your team appreciates you and so do we!


A DAISY Award was given to Mackenzie

Mackenzie received a DAISY award from a patient who felt that her care made a big difference in their treatment and recovery.

The patient said, “Kenzie always came into the room with energy and a smile that would light up her face. Her nursing care was very good. Where Kenzie went above and beyond was human care. She visited and got to know me as a person. I’ve been a paraplegic since 1970. She asked about that but never once made comments that sounded like, ‘Oh you poor thing.’ Instead, she was interested in how I dealt with it and the life I had after the accident. Kenzie would stop in just to see if everything was okay. A couple of nights, I had trouble sleeping. When she realized I was awake, she would ask what she could do to help me. Those visits really helped. I feel Kenzie treated me medically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Before I left, Kenzie and I both said we had become friends. All the little things Kenzie did for me truly and deeply affected my care and life. You might say her bedside manner was exemplary. For that, I feel Kenzie deserves the DAISY Award.”

Congratulations on the DAISY Award, Mackenzie! Your quality care makes all the difference for your patients. Keep up the great work!



