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The case for effective nurse retention strategies has never been more important.

The Pandemic Has Dramatically Impacted Nurses

Happiness levels in nursing have plunged during the pandemic.

Veteran travelers down 27% New travelers down 3% Staff nurses down 21%

How Do We Move Forward?

Given the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to hear nurses’ voices and understand their lived experience. In our IRB-reviewed qualitative study with the Schlesinger Group, we learned:

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The emotional impact of the pandemic is extensive, and nurses need psychological support.

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All nurses were happy before the pandemic. Nurses with the lowest happiness levels are more likely to seek travel nurse assignments.

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Financial compensation is a common driver for all nurses.

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Helping people is the primary motivator to being a nurse.

Resources and Tools to Help Advance and Repair Our Workforce:

Master class videos

Master Class Videos

Watch Now
Mind the gap ebook

"Mind the Gap" eBook

HOPE for Happy Toolkit

"H.O.P.E. for Happy" Toolkit

Mind the gap infographic



Leadership Presentations and Workshops

Healthcare staffing won’t get any easier. Workforce strategies focused on recruitment and retention are essential. Aya’s clinical leaders can help with actionable solutions to heal and advance the workforce.

April Hansen, MSN, RN

April Hansen, MSN, RN

Group President, Workforce Solutions

Carol Tuttas, PHD, RN

Carol Tuttas, PHD, RN

Clinical Manager

To schedule a presentation, email: [email protected].

This study has been reviewed by an institutional review board (IRB), which is a committee that has reviewed this research study to help ensure that your rights and welfare as a research participant are protected and that the research study is carried out in an ethical manner.