FOX/CW/CBS: AI Scheduling Software Is Making Its Way to Indiana Healthcare Fields

February 16, 2024 | Aya Media Buzz , Newsroom Featured

Cristal Mackay, VP – Customer Success and Workforce AI, shared how our artificial intelligence perfectly matches staffing with patient demand, making sure patients have the caregiver when they need it.

“Artificial intelligence is being used to help combat issues stemming from hospital staffing shortages across the country. Soon, these programs will be used in hospitals here in Indiana.

The United States is in the midst of a healthcare worker shortage. There are not enough new healthcare workers graduating from training programs to fill the abundance of job openings. As this situation progresses, hospitals and healthcare administrators are searching for solutions to issues that arise from a lack of employees. Common issues include worker burnout, scheduling errors, and overworked nurses.

Artificial intelligence has been gaining relevance year after year, and just recently we have seen tangible, real-world applications for numerous forms of AI-Software. The healthcare field has taken full advantage of these technological opportunities.”

Aya Healthcare is the largest healthcare talent software and staffing company in the United States.

“They work very closely with AI schedule building software, and have seen dramatic improvement in efficiency when designing schedules. Workforce AI, the program used by Aya, takes into account thousands of historical data points including location, time, season, holidays, and census data. It analyzes and compiles data points when creating schedules, allowing for a accurate prediction surrounding hospital needs, patient needs, and nursing needs.”

View the video interview here. View the story here.

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