Kristin receives a DAISY Award nomination

February 2, 2024 |

A patient’s family member nominated Kristin for a DAISY Award for the attentive and thoughtful care she gave their child!

The family member wrote, “It’s hard to put the greatness of someone’s spirit into words. The things that make a nurse great for autoimmune patients are the things that often go unnoticed. It’s caring about the tiny details that give clues as to what’s going on inside and how the patient’s health is trending. It’s not shying away from awkward things. It’s being kind without being fake. It’s being real without being a downer. Checking in often. Taking interest without being nosy or intrusive. Kristin understands the big picture and watches for those tiny details that might indicate something going wrong. We have been very lucky to have her as a nurse. Kristin is awesome!”

Congratulations on the DAISY Award nomination, Kristin! Your patients and their families appreciate you, and so do we!

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